Helpers: Ústí nad Labem, sports, recreational, fun premises 1

A helping hand is always needed for cleaning, washing, ironing, maintaining your garden or house, but also for walking your dog or taking care of your cat. Just choose from our list and contact a helping hand according to your requirements.: Ústí nad Labem, sports, recreational, fun premises, Polish, tolerates pets

Become a helper See job ads
  • Tereza M.
    • 36 years
    • 6+ years of experience
    150.00 - 400.00 Kč/hour
    Dobry den rada vam pomuzu v domacnosti uklid,zehleni,atd. je mi 24 let mam dite a to chodi do skolky, a tak hledam praci na vypomoc domacnosti mam stim zkusenosti ,uklizet muzu kdykoliv,postarat se vam...