Andrea S. - Housekeeping

  • 47 years
  • 2 years of experience
  • 250.00 - 600.00 Kč/hour
    Waiting for the first message
Slovak language, Czech language
List of locations where he/she works
Cleans the following premises
1-3 rooms apartment, 4plus room apartment, family house, cottage, common residential premises
Tolerates pets
Experience description
Dobry den.Hladam brigadu popri praci,najlepšie Plzen.Najlepsie cez vikend sobota alebo nedela.Alebo potom na par hodin po rannich smenach cez tyzden.Mam skusenosti aj s uklidom v domacnosti ,kde som pracovala aj pre rodiny v domacnosti ve Svajčiarsku Zurich.Som vyučena aj ako švadlena,tak kludne moze byt aj brigada v tejto oblasti.
Frequency of helping
  • occasionally or irregularly
Provides the following services
  • usual cleaning
  • window cleaning
  • ironing
  • watering the plants in the house
  • pet care
  • gardening (weeding, raking)
  • other auxiliary jobs
Additional skills
  • sowing
Availability calendar
  Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
6 - 10
10 - 14
14 - 18
18 - 22
22 - 6