Genalyn K. - Housekeeping

  • 28 years
  • 2 years of experience
  • 100.00 - 500.00 Kč/hour
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English language
List of locations where he/she works
Havířov - Město
Cleans the following premises
1-3 rooms apartment, 4plus room apartment, family house, cottage, office premises, garden, other
Tolerates pets
Experience description
I was born in a poor family in the Philippines so I need to help my family for our daily needs so that, I have had an experienced about working in restaurant as a dishwashers,waitress housekeeper, and a babysitter. And also in a farm as a farmer. I can do ironing, cleaning windows, households chores.
Frequency of helping
  • daily
  • more times a week
  • twice a week
  • once a week
  • occasionally or irregularly
Provides the following services
  • window cleaning
  • washing the laundry
  • ironing
  • watering the plants in the house
  • gardening (weeding, raking)
  • yard work
  • complete cleaning
Additional skills
  • small repairs and home maintanence
Availability calendar
  Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
6 - 10
10 - 14
14 - 18
18 - 22
22 - 6